frilled dragon care

Frilled Dragon Care: Essential Tips for Keeping Your Lizard Healthy

Frilled dragons, also known as frilled-neck lizards, are captivating reptiles that make great pets. Native to Australia and New Guinea, these unique creatures are known for their frilled neck, which they extend when feeling threatened or displaying dominance.

If you’re considering getting a frilled dragon as your new reptilian companion, here are some essential tips for their care:

1. Creating the Perfect Enclosure

Frilled dragons require a spacious and well-ventilated enclosure to thrive. A terrarium of at least 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide should suffice for an adult frilled dragon. Ensure the enclosure is secure, as these lizards are skilled climbers and escape artists.

Tip: Provide a mix of branches and plants to create a natural and stimulating environment for your frilled dragon.

2. The Ideal Temperature and Lighting

Frilled dragons are ectothermic, meaning they rely on external heat sources to regulate their body temperature. Maintain a warm side of the enclosure with a basking spot temperature around 95°F (35°C), while the cooler side should be around 80°F (27°C). Use a reptile heat lamp or ceramic heater to achieve these temperatures.

Additionally, frilled dragons need access to UVB lighting for proper calcium absorption. Use a UVB bulb specifically designed for reptiles and ensure it is replaced every 6-12 months.

3. A Balanced Diet

Feeding your frilled dragon a well-rounded diet is crucial to their overall health. Their diet primarily consists of insects, such as crickets, roaches, and mealworms. Aim to provide a variety of insects to ensure a diverse nutritional intake.

Supplement their diet with leafy greens, fruits, and occasional pinky mice as treats. Dusting their food with calcium and vitamin supplements is essential to prevent deficiencies.

Note: Remove any uneaten food from the enclosure to maintain cleanliness.

4. Hydration and Humidity

Frilled dragons require access to fresh water at all times. Use a shallow water dish that is easily accessible and cleaned regularly. Additionally, misting the enclosure once or twice daily helps maintain the required humidity level, ranging from 40% to 60%.

5. Handling and Socialization

While frilled dragons are not known for their affectionate nature, regular handling and socialization can help reduce stress and ensure they remain comfortable around humans. Start by gently stroking their frill and gradually progress to holding and interacting with them. Always support their body and avoid grasping the frill, as it is a sensitive and delicate structure.

Remember, each frilled dragon has its own personality, so be patient and let your lizard set the pace for socialization.


Proper frilled dragon care demands attention to detail and commitment. By providing an appropriate enclosure, maintaining the ideal temperature and lighting, offering a balanced diet, ensuring hydration and humidity, as well as handling and socialization, you can create a thriving environment for your frilled dragon.

If you’re fascinated by these unique lizards and willing to invest time and effort into their care, a frilled dragon can be an extraordinary pet that will captivate your attention for years to come.

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